Jamshedpur Minerals & Chemicals
complete manufacturing unit of Ferro Alloys
|| ISO Certification

The global adoption of ISO 9001 may be attributable to a number of factors. a number of major purchasers require their suppliers to hold ISO 9001 certification. Jamshedpur Minerals & Chemicals shall establish and maintain a productive work environment by assigning high importance to occupational health & safety (ohs) in every sphere of it's activity.

Objective :

  1. To minimize / eliminate occupational health & safety (ohs) risk
  2. Total compliance of applicable rules & regulations
  3. To bring contineous improvements to sustain accident free operations.
  4. To improve production & productivity through adherence to sustainable ohs management system giving priority on awareness, training & motivation.

Commitment :

Commited to strive collectively as a team for contineous improvement to reach desired effectiveness of ohs policy.